Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rollin' Rolln' Rollin'....

....keep them doggies rollin', rawhide!!! She did it!!! Maryn rolled over from her belly to her back this morning ALL by herself! She's rolled over a couple times when she was propped up on pillows but this time was the real deal...the real sha-bang!!! I have been working with her for the past week on conquering this task. We lay a blanket out and we roll from one end to the other and back again. I'm usually all smiles while doing this and she's usually all big eyed and giggly. This morning was like no other...the pink blanket was rolled out, Bode was chewing his bone near by and the toys were lined up in her peripheral vision...encouraging her every step of the way....all of a sudden....BAM...she rolled hesitation, no crying from the she'd been doing it for weeks! I screamed!!! Bode jumped up and we both ran upstairs to get the video camera. I'm so excited at this point and poor Maryn was left alone on the blanket. Bode and I came running back and set the scene just like it was the first on...and then BAM, she did it again without hesitation and I got it on video!!! It's just so cool watching your own flesch and blood grow right before your eyes! She's just the coolest thing I've ever done in my life!!! So... grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!

(don't forget to turn the music on pause at the bottom of the page so you can hear me scream and talk in my obnoxiously high pitched crazy mom voice! I don't even realize that I'm talking like a 5 year old boy pre-puberty, it's pretty hysterical...I swear I'm not that obnoxious:) )

I had a cute video of Maryn that I tried to post yesterday but blogger was being difficult...this one out weighs my previous choice!

Bath time has turned into a real circus for this girl. I have one of those tubs with the sling that the newborns lay in, giving your hands freedom to wash and avoid getting water and soap into their precious eyes. Well, a couple weeks ago I took the sling out because she loves holding her head up and was constantly lifting herself up from the sling. So now she sits in the tubby, which is fun for her but she's a slippery little sucker and it makes my job of bathing her a little more challenging. I use to be so careful as to not get her little eyes wet but then I realized that I didn't want a little princess who cried every time the water poured onto her now, I just pour that water straight down her head...she blinks a couple times and then it's all smiles! To make it even more fun, she loves to kick and splash her arms in the water....this morning we had our very own infinity pool pouring down the side of our bathroom pajamas were soaked, the floor was a flooded mess but baby girl was happy as a clam! She also LOVES to stand! So, half of the time she wants to stand in the tubby, which allows me access to her adorable cellulite ridden hiney! Just like her momma!! She is just getting to be so much fun!


Caroline said...

You seriously crack me up. Maryn is adorable!

Aaron, Sarah, and Emily Walter said...

Emily just watched this video like 5 times in a row!! She wanted all the other pictures to be videos too. She also wanted to know if she could give the baby a hug-repeatedly asking!