Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Day to day

Thank you to everyone who contacted me but in the last 24 hours, we've had 82 views and definately not that many comments...come on...make my day :)
I've had several requests, from very kind people saying that I've made this whole parenting experience look easy, to kindly explain how I do it. Bless you!
When I told Mac about your sweet words and how I don't have any tricks up my sleeve to share, he looked at me and said "it looks easy because you make it easy"..huh? That's my first trick...a loving and supportive partner. He told me that I'm calm around her and that I don't allow her crying (which is few and far between) to upset me. My second trick...delivering a baby who doesn't suffer from colic. I just can't imagine what sort of state I'd be in right now if Maryn had colic or reflux...there definately wouldn't be any time to blog :) I suppose a lot of it is genetic because my parents said I was a happy baby as well. I also believe that baby's can sense your confidence in yourself as a parent. They know when you are uneasy and tense. I've got a lot of confidence in my ability to be a mommy! This confidence definately stems from my professional experience though.
Kendra...you're the one with the 19 month old (right?) ...you should be sharing your advice...I'm only a novice and learning from my mistakes. I write this blog to share our daughter with family and friends but I'd love to use it as a means of communication between mommies. We can all learn from eachother...it's trial and error, ladies! We take things day to day as they come. She's growing and changing every day so we can't get hung up on a particular set of rules...Maryn runs the show around here!
This beautiful smile does make my job a lot easier too :)

Just look at that hiney! Thank you Whit and Erin for the beautiful handstiched alphabet blanket...it's perfect for tummy time!

Here's another trick on making parenting easy...spend time with friends!! Notice Maryn sitting at the table with us...we drag her everywhere and I really think this has made her such a flexible baby. We were going out to eat when she was 3 days old. She's use to life on the run. I do believe that putting your baby on a schedule is so very important but I also don't want a child who completely falls apart when it's 5 minutes past feeding time either. You have to find a happy medium.

Justin is an awesome chef! Laura's one lucky lady! He made us Apricot Glazed Pan Seared Scallops:
8-10 large sea scallops
1 small jar of apricot jelly
1/4c soy sauce
fresh minced ginger & garlic
salt & pepper
olive oil & butter
glaze: On low-med heat,warm jelly, ginger & garlic in a small sauce pan until mixture is completely liquid. Add soy sauce while stirring. Time glaze to be ready as scallops are finished.
scallops: Pat dry excess liquid from scallops. Add salt & pepper. Heat heavy bottom pan with olive oil & butter over med-high heat. When hot, add scallops. Cook for 2 min. on each side or until moderately firm. Remove pan from heat and cover for additional 2 min. Add glaze to bottom of place and place scallops on top.
Serve with white rice!
He also grilled up some yummy peppers too!


The Grammarian said...

Seriously, you make me want to go back and do it all over again, more thoughtfully and more delightedly. Maybe I will...DID YOU HEAR THAT, HUBALOVE?

I think the biggest lesson or relearning for me is that life *is* about choices. That truth becomes kind of murky when you have a baby -- you don't have a choice as to whether or not to get up to feed them, diaper them, etc. But you can choose your attitude. And you can choose to do it alone and sadly like a martyr or you can choose to look at it as "Only one more diaper until I get to go to the gym and have MY time." I only arrived at that lesson more recently, and it has made a huge difference.

God bless all the parents who read this blog. You are doing such important work, there is no higher ministry!!

The Grammarian said...

P.S. I post all of my parenting foibles at kendraspondence dot com. Bienvenidos, todos.


Great new pictures of Maryn! She looks like such a happy little girl!

Kathleen P said...

Probably dressing her so cute helps her be a happy baby too!

The Ziejewski Family said...

Hi Rebecca,
I'm one of those that checks your site most days. I love to see what Maryn's up to. Your writing make everything she does so real, great job. It's so much fun to watch Maryn and remember CJ when he was that little. You can see at theziejewskifamily.blogspot, that he's not little anymore.
I also love to see your parents in the pictures, we miss them being across the street. The neighborhood's just not as lively as it was when they were here!

Aaron, Sarah, and Emily Walter said...

Of course I too am checkin' on Maryn all the time-I don't get to see her in person-so I have to watch her grow on here!
I think Justin's dinner looks delicious-now if only we had some fresh scallops to try that with! (I'm so leery of seafood since we moved from the coast!!) I wish we were still a few streets away from you guys :(
I'll admit for my sister-in-law-she likes to follow your blog too-she was just telling me this and asking about you guys this past weekend :)