I was just telling my girlfriends that time seemed to go so slowly when we were in school and now it's flying by at the speed of light and my sweet, delicious, happy little babe is not getting any younger. Watching Maryn change so much each and every day just amazes me and puts me in awe of God's creation. She learns so much, every moment she is awake...it makes me feel like I need to learn something new every day. She inspires me to be a better woman, a better mom, a better wife, a better person. I wake up each day soooo excited to see what HER day will bring her. It is no longer about what MY day will bring me. Every single thing I do, I do for her.
Maryn Amelia is 6 months old and that is hard for me to swallow.
She is a strong little chick. She's already pushed herself onto all fours and I'm sure will be scooting around the house real soon...which means I'm going to have to vacuum more frequently :( She's just about mastered sitting up...only an occasional tumble. She grabs at everything in front of her..I can't make her breakfast while holding her without tiny little fingers dipping themselves into her bowl of squash or change her diaper without tiny little fingers grabbing my necklace with a little 'm' on it for 'maryn' and 'mac'. She giggles in hysterics when I kiss her belly or the fat rolls in her neck...and I giggle in hysterics when she rolls herself across the room to be closer to me. I really do like her a lot!
Nanny bought her this handmade pillow dress from a festival in Beaufort...it is sooo adorable!
Look at that sweet peach fuzz on her head...we have a drawer full of bows if anyone wants to borrow them :)
She could be the happiest baby I've ever met
She thinks I'm funny and I like that :)
Oh my Lord...we love her so much it's pouring out of our ears
Happy 1st Birthday, Sydney!!
Last Saturday, we went to Sydney's 1st birthday party!! Why are these children growing up so quickly? It seems like yesterday that little Kristina was ALL belly with this little girl!! She is so stinkin' cute! Maryn and Sydney are exactly 6 months apart, both born on a Wednesday, both weighing exactly 7 lbs, both measuring exactly 20 inches and both Kristina and I were just shy of being 38 weeks pregnant when these two little girls were too smart for the womb and wanted OUT!!! We didn't complain :)
No cake for Maryn just yet...just a couple bites of Sophie
She loves her books...she sits and actually turns the pages
I posted this one because I want you all to see her 'gut' hanging over her pants!
Yup...she's our little princess!