September 11th 2001... let us not forget.
We got a little behind on our vaccination schedule due to our vacation and our pediatrician's vacation, so Maryn got her 4 month shots closer to 5 months. She always does great with her shots...a quick little whimper after a 3 second delayed reaction and then she's back to her happy self.
Maryn 4 3/4 months:
14 lbs 12 oz. 50th percentile
24 1/2 in. 50th percentile
head circ. 40 1/4 cm. 25 percentile
If you're new to our blog, the size of Maryn's head always measured several weeks behind while she was in my belly (which I was stoked about when I thought about actually pushing her out). When she was born, it was in the 5th percentile (after the pediatrician checked and double checked) and then at 2 months it was 10th percentile. So, looks like her noggin' is finally catching up to the rest of her body.
She's looking at the nurse like "you're up to something aren't you?"
Nothing that her lovey can't fix
Just look at her sweet chunky thighs...
So, I discussed with the pediatrician that Maryn has been sleeping an average of about 10 hours at night but that recently she's been waking up after only 7-8 hours. She's started getting really nosey at meal time...she watches our forks and cups go into our mouths, she grabs at our plates and food and has just really seemed interested in the whole idea of food. I really wanted to wait until she was 6 months old to start solids. She breastfeeds exclusively and loves it. But...she has shown us EVERY sign that she is ready. After her appointment, I ran out and bought some rice cereal and we went to town that evening. Guess what?????? She slept 11 hours that night! Although it's now more work to feed her cereal once or twice a day, it's worth the effects of a full, happy, jolly belly:)
Thanks Jamie for the cute bib...she broke it in beautifully
Last week, my mom's brother Tim and sister Kathy came to visit from Pennsylvania
We just love visitors!
And I just love the wreath I got for the front door. I didn't realize how pricey those suckers are but luckily, our local nursery had a 'bonus bucks' event this summer. For every $10 you spent, you got a $1 bonus buck to spend during a certain time frame....we replaced all the bushes out front and earned myself a pretty green wreath :)
Such a big girl! And her hair...she is going to be one darling little blonde babe. I want to pick her up out of those pics and snuggle her. I need her in Cleveland ASAP! :)
I love Maryn's look of intensity as she enjoys her first solid meal. So much for Mommy and Daddy's plans to not introduce solids quite yet! She definitely knew what she wanted!
Hi Rebecca, Mac, and Maryn! I've finally had a chance to sit down and catch up on the blog - you guys have been busy! Maryn is absolutely adorable and just gets cuter every day. I'm so glad for all of you that she is so happy and healthy. I'm going to try and do a better job of keeping up!!
Love, Erin Baird (and Whit too of course!)
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