Thursday, July 28, 2011

He Made It To Three

When he's naughty, which is more often than not, I threaten to drop him off at the pit bull rescue. This wuss, who's afraid of the dark, wouldn't last 2 minutes in a cage with a rescued pit. The threat usually works.
Bode was NOT an inexpensive purchase. Quite the contrary. Sometimes I think that price defines quality, it does not. He has had more issues with skin allergies that have cost us well into the thousands of dollars mark. He is pretty much allergic to EVERYTHING. If he eats a Cheerio, for instance, he develops hives and will scratch and lick himself until it becomes infected. You tell me how I can monitor all lost Cheerios in this house!? Impossible. After trialing around ten different types of dog food, chicken, lamb, beef, fish...we have finally found one that won't inadvertently cost us a $500 vet bill. It was the most expensive food we tried, of course. I love this dog of championship lineage, a pampered prince.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Bode!
And since he can't eat store bought treats, I've found that he tolerates carrots, bananas and peanut butter. So, instead of cake...peanut butter carrots! Us people folk celebrated with carrot cake so as to not offend him. He would have preferred the cake.

Bed Head.
Making blueberry pancakes with Nanny

Where Bo Bo likes to spend most of his to Poppop.

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