Monday, May 24, 2010

Maryn is 13 months old!

Lady M is 13 months old and is happy happy happy! How did I get so lucky? Summer arrives early down here and we are keeping ourselves busy at the pool, beach and playground. We've been taking swimming lessons and Maryn has proven to be a little fish. She loves the water and throws a fit when she can't go in. I swear she's gained 3 lbs in the last month! Still a wonderful eater and enjoys salmon, peanut butter bread, yogurt and whole milk. Her hair grows every day and I'm itching to get it into pigtails! Her daddy has taught her to kick a ball and mommy taught her to stack three blocks. She's learning to go down the stairs backwards and prefers to go up walking while using the handrail. She thinks she's hilarious and is constantly trying to make us laugh with her funny faces and dance moves. She roars like a lion and grunts like a monkey. She loves to play outside on her swing set and every morning after breakfast, she sticks her little fingers in the crack of the back door in hopes that she'll be able to pry it open to go swing. I live for her hugs. When you feel those little hands wrapped around your neck and her chubby little cheek pressed against your face, time stops and she becomes my everything. She is everything I ever dreamed my daughter would be.
Give Peace a Chance!
Maryn Amelia
13 months old

'Lovey' is her everything!
3lbs in a month, I swear! When you pack in graham crackers like this girl...
...this is bound to happen!
Don't you hate when this happens!

What thunder thighs??

Going to the pool used to be relaxing, now it's a wrangling event! She's fast and has no fear of the water!
I got 3 minutes to 'sit'...only because she was eating

Loves the sand

And loves her Nanny!
Happy Mother's Day 2010
a stick for Bode
Again, what thunder thighs?

Showing Uncle Tim all of her sand toys
Swim lessons
She got dunked day one!

we play 'keep away' from Bode
and 'chase' with daddy

This is her sign for eat. I can't open the pantry door without Lady M charging into the kitchen for a snack. The pantry door squeaked when you opened it...she would be in the other room, hear the squeak and come running with her finger to her lip. My mom oiled the door for us:)
Uncle Shawn got her this pink monkey and she thinks it's fantastic when I stick her on her back....she'll play with the monkey on her back.

And here's a video of her very scary lion roar!!!!!!!!!!!! (pause the music at the bottom to hear)


The Brooks Bunch said...

Great post! Thank you for making me laugh with that picture of her "biscuits" falling through the pool chair! She's growing so much and is just precious!

Anne said...

love all her adorable summer suits! where did you get the cute turquoise one with the fish on it? dying over the pic of her bottom popping through the chair. i could eat her up! also can't get over her saying hi and then the lion roar. A-DOR-A-BLE. wish i could give her kisses!! love y'all so much~ aunt A