Friday, January 1, 2010

What did you say?

It's been confirmed...Maryn's first word is Mama!!!!!! Several weeks ago, Mac brought Maryn into our bedroom for her afternoon feed as I was waking up after a nightshift. Just as Mac approached the side of the bed...and Maryn saw me laying there...she started saying mama mama mama!!! I jumped up out of bed and Mac looked at me like "did she really just say that...and say it appropriately?!" She reached out her arms to me and said it again...Mama!!!! I swear I wasn't hoping for her to say mama first...we were actually trying to get her to say Bode so that the other didn't feel disappointed...Mac is just as excited as I am. It was heard by my parents and Mac's parents so it's officially confirmed and going in the baby book:)
"Mama" and her precious baby girl

Not only is she talking, but she's starting to stand! It's crazy...all she wants to do all day long is walk walk walk! She is so proud of herself when she stands by herself...she gets this really big smile on her face, she lights up and then looks for your hands to help her walk.
a face sort of like this
Santa baby...been an awful good girl...Santa hurry down the chimney tonight...
...think of all the fellows that I haven't kissed...been an angel all year...
Santa hurry down the chimney tonight...
She also started saying 'hi' this week too!

More Christmas memories to follow...
Happy New Year!


The Ziejewski Family said...

What a cutie and so smart. Congrats on Maryn's first word, she is growing up so fast. Love the Santa suit. Happy New Year!

Anne Simmons said...

these pictures of mare bear are just precious! happy new year cummings! love y'all!

Aaron, Sarah, and Emily Walter said...

Yay for Mama!!!! Watch out on the walking-remember Emily was walking at 9 months too-they're unstoppable!!!! So much fun though! Glad you guys had a good Christmas-Happy new year too!!