We are having so much fun in our house!! Maryn is 7 months old and she is just a blast to be around. She giggles and laughs, gives out hugs and kisses, loves to dance to ANY and ALL music...even church music, she's a great traveler, great sleeper, great eater, great pooper :)! What more could a mother ask for? Maryn recently took her first plane ride to attend Mac's cousins wedding in Pittsburgh and she received multiple compliments on what a good baby she was...actually, she was told that she was the best baby on a plane they've ever seen...that made us smile. She is such a joy to be around every moment. We really did get lucky with this one!
She has mastered her mode of transportation...she rolls from one side of the room to the other and spins around, she's not crawling yet but I have a feeling she's going to bypass the actual crawl and go straight for walking. She loves to stand up holding onto the couch that I think we'll be removing the coffee table this week to avoid future head injuries. No teeth yet and for a nursing mum...that's just fantastic!
This is her belly laugh