Friday, May 13, 2011

Benham is 5 weeks old!

Benham gave us his first 'real' purposeful smile on his 5 week birthday. He's been smiling for a couple weeks now but it was during sleep or because of gas. Now we can talk to him in our most obnoxious goo goo ga ga voice and he's all gums.

Benny Boy had his one month check up
10 lbs 4 oz 50th percentile
21 3/4 in. 50th percentile
head circ. 37 cm. 25th percentile

I'm pretty certain he's going through a growth spurt because from 5 pm to 10 pm, he's happily hanging from my chest and I feel like one giant boob. This has to stop. I really shouldn't complain though because he does give us our longest stretch of quiet in this house from 10 pm to 4's beautiful and I look forward to those hours every day.

He's been doing a lot of this between the hours of 12 pm and 4pm

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