Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Becoming a family of four

Once it was inevitable that this little boy was on his way and he was determined to enter this world ass first, I had to embrace the fact that I was mere minutes away from going under the knife. A big thumbs up to!
It's go time!

He came out quiet and alert...and has remained this way ever since. He has a content little soul and we rarely hear him cry. We have actually had to set the alarm in the middle of the night to feed him. Check out those frank breech legs...straight up in the air for a couple days.
My first peek of Big Ben. 7 lb 8 oz almost 3 weeks early! He would have been a 9 lber had he made it to the 26th!
Even though he was considered term, I'm a crazy NICU nurse and requested that a level 2 nurse be at the delivery. Believe it or not, his nurse Alethia use to work with me in the NICU so I had a sense of calm knowing that she was there in case he needed some extra support.

The touch of your newborn is something indescribable. It was at this moment that I knew he was going to be alright.

He looks like his big sister in this picture
7 lb 8oz
I'm glad Dr. Evans was in such a good mood that night. And that nurse at the head of my bed took such good care of me all night long...I wanted to kiss her every time she came in my room with my pain meds.
First kiss

Mimi's first glance at the rug rat who's gonna drive her crazy for the next 16 years before she moves out
She brought him a present and basically threw it into the bassinet
Another grand baby under Nanny's belt
And Benham got Maryn a gift too

Grandma and Nanny soaking up the glory of holding their grandchildren
Poppop Loeper
Poppop Cummings
Grandma's heart melting...he was named after her
I made Uncle Nick sit down to hold:)
Mimi was excited to see her momma. Last thing she remembered, mommy was just leaving to get her hair done and returned home with a tiny human being.

She will forever be my special first born

Matching shirts
I want to blow this up poster size to remind myself why I exist. These children are my everything and the love I have for them grows stronger every minute. How is that possible? To be filled with so much love?
Becoming our family of four. Life takes turns and circumstances occur in order to line up these exact passing moments.
A kiss for you
And a kiss for me

"Me no likey diaper changes"
This started late Thursday night and hasn't stopped

"Please, pretty please God....I hope these people have a dog"
42 hrs after his birth...we were running for the door
"Now where's that dog?"


TJ and Katie said...

So cute! I hope everyone is doing well and Maryn is adjusting. I am sure you are all doing great!

The Grammarian said...

Thanks for capturing the purity and sweetness of these first moments! I actually felt the tugs of being back in the hospital when my Big Girl M came to visit. Ugh. That was so hard. Wait, hold the baby, wait, hold the toddler, wait, who's crying, wait, who are we anymore? Amazing how one wee little man can rock the boat!

The Rebecca L. of 2nd grade would so laugh if we told her that she would grow up to go get her hair did before having a baby.

So happy for you. And so jealous. I want my newborns back!

The Brooks Bunch said...

I LOVE your blog and I LOVE this post! Congratulations Rebecca on your beautiful family! All Mamas cry and I definitely did when I saw the new picture of Maryn and her new Bubbie!